The ereader is said to have a touch screen with a virtual keyboard. Okay, now for someone like me who hits every button while the item is sitting in my purse, this could be a good thing, as long as it has a cover or keyboard lock on it. Supposedly hte screen is in color as well, instead of the black and white Kindle.
Does the color of the screen matter to you?? For me, I'm thinking not really, if you have the option of black and white or color, that's okay, but it's not going to be a sale buster for me.
It needs to feel right in the palm of my hand and have the ease and comfort I'm looking for in order for me to buy it.
I'm curious as to how it's going to fair against Amazon's Kindle and the Sony ereader. Barnes and Noble is after all one of the biggest book sellers around.
I'm psyched that you can now log onto the Barnes and Noble website and find my ebooks!!
So tell me, what do you think?
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