Ok, so, we had two new movies delivered to us this week from Netflix.
Ninja Assassin and
Both I thought were really good action movies.
Legion was basically about the big guy sick of humanities bullsh*t and sends an army of angels to possess us and wipe us out. Of course well known arc-angel Michael takes a dislike to this and comes to Earth to save humanity from themselves.
As we sat and watched this flick, all I could think about was, “Well when are they going to tell us what’s going on, why did Michael come to Earth.” The plot was a little lacking. If they had extended the movie to two hours, I think it would have given them time to get it together a bit more and not leave me confused as to what was going on. All in all it was a good movie, the action was there, the gun fire, the killing and some grossness, LOL. Yes I said grossness. What I really liked was that it didn’t leave all the good guys alive. People die in war, good or bad and this movie didn’t take sides.

I thought
Ninja Assassin was pretty damn cool. I like martial arts movies…it’s all Bruce Lee’s fault! The action is definitely there! The plot was together which held for the ending of the movie. There was a lot of blood, hey that’s to be expected with Ninja’s right, swords, stars and all the good stuff. But I do have to say several parts were a bit way bloody and violent. I actually turned my head during one bathroom scene where the hero had to kill a guy in the bathroom to gain his allegiance to the family. What I really liked was the slightly romantic undertone to the flick between the hero and a woman of his clan. I’m not saying anymore if you haven’t seen it, LOL.
Now my boyfriend thought the plot was lacking, but the action made up for it.
All in all two good movies.
Hope everyone has a great last day of the weekend!!
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