Being a mother is a wonderful thing. Being caring, nurturing, strong and giving unconditional love to your children.
Ok, so there's no book that comes with kids or how to raise them, LOL. I knew that before I had my son. You have to love the fly by your pants, am I doing this right feeling and go with your gut. Ok, so maybe not in the moment of something happening, but look back in a few years.
Being a mother is the greatest of joys! I love him, have his back and yes will reprimand him if he does something wrong. (My 16 year old has only been grounded twice, he doesn't like my grounding rules. Hehehe)
To me, being a mother means always being there for your children. I would never treat my child as if they were a stranger off the road. If they've done wrong even as an adult we're still mother's and even though we may handle the situation differently once they hit adult hood, our children will most likely still look to us for advice, even though they most likely won't say that's what they're doing. Because come on, admit it, us mother's were once their age right :-) we have some experience or hopefully the wisdom of how to deal with situations.
What hurts me is how some mother's treat their children.
A good friend of mine has been hurt numerous times by her mother.
Now my friend isn't perfection by any means of the word, but she's a good, hardworking mom who has tried to keep the peace with her mother so the already breaking relationship her son has with his grandmother doesn't completely break.
When my friend received a call in 2010 from a cousin crying and asking "why do you hate me so much?" My friend had enough. Apparently her mother who was on her way home and moving her oldest daughter and family down with her, decided to cause some issues.
Now my friend hadn't talked to her sister in, I think four years because of some falling out. (Actually to think about it I'm pretty sure the other two sisters and a brother don't speak to the mother or oldest anymore either.) Anyway, the sister emailed this cousin saying really bad stuff that my friend was supposed to have said and her mother backed her up on all the lies.
My friend's mother admitted to these lies to her daughter when my friend called her up asking her what the hell she was doing? Her mother's response (I was sitting there) was she just wanted to save 'her' face in front of others, because she's been the one going around saying all the nasty stuff and she didn't want to admit to it, so she said my friend had been doing it all.
This mother causes drama when ever she's around because she needs to be the center of attention, (OH yes, have witnessed this first hand) has spread rumors about my friend because her mother wanted to look big in the eyes of her oldest daughter.
Hate to say it but in the eyes of the world, she looked very small and petty.
Needless to say my friend doesn't associate much with her mother anymore, and said she's not emailing her or sending her a mother's day card. Can't say that I blame her.
She sends her happy birthday emails. She's still her mother and my friend loves her but she's sick of being hurt, used and manipulated by the one person who's supposed to love her unconditionally.
I have learned from this situation and so hasn't my friend. We know what kind of mother we do not want to be.
I love my son, I would die for my son, I will protect my son with all the meanness of a momma grizzly and comfort him with great big bear hugs.
As quoted:
Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother. ~Oprah Winfrey
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren, Women and Beauty
I hope everyone has a great and lovely day!!!!
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