Sunday, August 8, 2010

What do you do at Midnight??

So, I'm sitting at the kitchen table the other night, because that's where I've set up my net book to write at the moment. It's midnight and I'm typing away on a new Sci-Fi erotic romance that popped into my head. I look up after completing a sentence to see my 14 year old on my desk top in the living room watching some Japanese Anime (It's home school's two weeks out summer time, so I've been a bit lenient on the bed time) and I whisper his name, (The man of the house is fast a sleep by now and I don't want to wake him up) so my son looks over and I start waving like a crazy lady, LOL. He gives me that, 'you're weird lady look' and then starts waving back with a big smile on his face.

Writing near midnight is easy for me. I think it's because I've had time to decompress from all the junk during the work day, my mind is cleared and I can focus on the story I want to get out.

After starting the editing process over the last few chapters of a book around midnight and finishing around 2 AM, I sent it to my editor and she said it was the best editing I'd done on the book. She didn't see anything wrong with my words, my grammar, or my dang little run on sentences LOL.(yeah, grammar still kicks my butt in several ways LOL)and ya know what...Best Selling book of the year 2007 at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. YAY. (That would be A Slave's Way Out :-) )

So there's something to be said about Midnight. Although It's not to easy getting up for the day job when I pull all nighters *sigh, wink* LOL

Have a great day and read lots!!


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