See this sign...
Yep, saw it a lot myself on our vacation. From Florida to Massachusetts. Going up and coming back.
Ok, so, let's give them kudos on actually trying to fix the highways and byways, but what's with drivers when there are "No" working signs and all of a sudden we're slamming on our brakes in the middle of the highway, then we get back up to a good 30 MPH and Blamo, slamming on the breaks again, then you have the well, I'll whip over to this lane and that lane and this lane again, because they look like they're going faster people [ Insert Homer strangling Bart ] Quick give me my blood pressure meds, LOL.
Living in my part of Florida, I've noticed that here we have some pretty decent roads. What can I say...Mass hasn't changed. You still can't see the lines on the Mass Pike at night and the instant ramp on, *here we come* to the ramp off 200 feet from that...yeah, don't know how I didn't crash while learning how to drive, LOL. Oh but wait... I still say in crazy driving situations, which are usually in big cities ..."Don't make me go Mass on you!" LOL.
Hope you all have a great day!!
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