Yes, I am.
I recently became engaged to my beau and because I'm doing things on my own, several people have gotten, shall we say 'rather pissy' to the point that one immediate family member refuses to speak with me.
Why you ask...because I did not call them to tell them of the engagement. I did not follow etiquette and let them know first. I emailed them.
Oh hold on-- I emailed or text everyone but my Grandmother, who has no computer and doesn't know how to text.
YES, I broke tradition...I told my Grandmother first! Oh holy cow right, the sky's going to fall, Run people run!! :-)
Beside my grandmother, my dad is the closest 'adult' figure in my life and he had no problem with it, as long as I'm happy.
(Notice how I did the ' ' on adult up there lol. That's because I'm going to be 41, and I am an adult so how do I do that one differently...I could call them my elders, but I might get slapped on the back of the head. ;-p lol)
Seriously folks, why do people seem to think they can tell you what to do when they actually have no say in, well anything?
The point is--this is not their event, the only thing it has to do with them is to show up, smile,drink my drinks and eat my food.
Yes, we are getting married outside, our reception is going to be under the trees,
Yes, my first dance with my new husband is going to be barefoot. Why? because we want it that way.
Why did I go venue shopping with only my fiance? Because...It's our day and we want what is going to make us happy.
Guess what, if you don't like it...then don't come. Easy as pie.
Why did I go wedding dress shopping by myself? Because I wanted to pick out what I liked. Not what others "Think" I should be wearing. (Not that it's anything out of the ordinary *Grins* I wouldn't want to scare people hehehehehe...or maybe *snicker*)
What's that old saying...If you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Can I add in there "Stop giving your opinions too?" LOL.
On the writing side...several manuscripts have been sent out for submission, I'm working on a third as we speak, so the writing's been GOOD :-)
It's just the waiting period of the submission that kills me lol. Waiting has never been one of my strong suits.
I also have a BIG mega book coming out in September with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, Woot, Woot!!
Well I need another coffee, so Happy Sunday and Happy Reading all!!!!
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