Sunday, February 15, 2015

Author Swag - Business Cards & Bookmarks...

Ok, so this will be the first blog of Author Swag...
With that said -- 
OMG!! How hard is it to figure out what to put in a swag bag and what 'not' to put in...good grief Charlie Brown!!
I mean seriously!! I've searched until my eyes literally glazed over from looking at the screen on my phone trying to find out what are good ideas and what are not. BUT...BUT...more importantly, WHERE TO FIND THE STUFF!

A lot of authors list what they think people like and don't like--
Tossing of: the water bottle, key chain, any paper products, coffee mugs and the list can go on...
(I can say that I brought home everyone of these items from a conference - with that...I did drive .. see below)
Displaying DSC_0616.JPG
This is my Wendi Darlin mug I brought home from the 2009 RWA conference in Orlando, FL. and yes, I'm drinking coffee out of it as I sit here blogging :-)
(And yes, that is my son's Gundam he built and another behind it he's working on :-p my desk is apparently the place to do this LOL.)

But other's say, yes, include these items...

What I've found is -- it depends on 'how' people are getting to your event.
If they're flying, yes they probably won't take anything that cannot pack down easily or get through security with no problem.

If they're driving, then a lot more may reach their destination with your items.

More importantly ... Try to give items people may want, things that they'll remember you by, make yourself stand out. 
But don't put yourself in the poor house doing it!

So this blog is going to be about - 
Business cards and Bookmarks.

One author suggested when making up your business cards or bookmarks (Two hot items to always have and give away)
leave an area for you to sign.
So you are in essence giving an autographed item to your 'potential' reader with your book cover on it.
I LOVE this idea!!

I will splurge on my business cards and book marks because they are items I will always have around, they'll have my book cover, blurb and contact info -- all at the ready.

Now when putting contact info down ... do not, list your phone number and address or personal email, readers do not need this information.

What they need is a way to find you on the net and your books.
... your website
... your publisher's website
... your Facebook or Twitter link.

Don't over crowd your design. If it's to busy, readers may not want to look at it, and possibly toss the item.

Here are some online printers I found ...

(They also do book marks.)
It took me a bit of searching on zazzle but if you type in..."writer author promotion book blue gradient" ... it should bring them right up, and then of course you can look through the generous selection of options.

(They do plastic business cards and they look pretty dang neat too.)

(They do all paper products including booklets, flyers ect)

Now, you have to go take a look and find out what is right for you, price wise, print wise, ect. 

Hope this has helped!! And if anyone has a great place to find these items, please comment for everyone!

The Minotaur’s Mate – Now Available

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