I picked up the compost and the potting soil yesterday morning after signing up for my concealed weapons permit class :-) so when the heat of the day (Yes, Florida, it was in the 80's and higher) went down around 6, I started planting my herbs and some flowers last night.
So far I have Lavender, Rosemary, Basil, Spearmint and few flowers planted in my flower box and in pots.
Today's another day and I'll be tackling the seeding of carrots, beans and some other flowers and planting my three different kinds of pepper plants, zucchini and yellow squash.
For the seedlings I'm not going to start them in ground, I'm going to use a few old egg cartons and my grocery store sells salads in these large containers, so I figured what better way to recycle than to start growing some flowers in them.

Well have a great day all!!!! I'm off and running--with coffee in hand :-)
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