I'm good at it and not so good at it. My desk is a bit messy (in some areas).
I like my keyboard area and my mouse area free of clutter so I can move around without hitting anything. I like the top of my desk right in front of my keyboard free so I can set my notes down on the manuscript I'm working on and have my info at hand quickly if needed.
Now the top shelf also holds file organizers, Story outlines, my inspiration note book, my name notebook (if I hear a name I like I write it down before I forget) my main level has my Wonder Woman Key chain, Little Mermaid figurine, my Darth Vader head, my Soul Candy bunny (Bleach), a few rubber duckies, all my Valentine's goodies from the time my husband & I started dating :-) sticky notes and more assorted good stuff :-)
For every manuscript I write, I put the information (the breakdown of the ms, characters, likes, dislikes, setting, ECT...) in a see through 2 pocket folder and those go in my cabinet. (I need a bigger cabinet)
I've read and watched the home shows on how to organize better and yeah, some of it works and some really doesn't, not for me anyway. What I do like are the cork boards. I can hang several on one wall to plot out a story line and characters at the same time. I found an article over at Martha Stewart. I love Martha Stewart! She has such great ideas!!
This is the Martha Stewart DIY corkboard. What drew my attention to this particular creation, is that it can be a different color to match my decor rather than the corky brown. Don't get me wrong, corky brown is good, but I want something that's going to -- jive, I guess with the rest of my color scheme (which I'm still working on) -- AND if you look closely ... this cork board idea is on a door. I could soooo put this on the back of my office door, talk about multi-purposing the back of which no one ever sees!! Except me sitting at my desk!! LOVE IT!!
I finally have my own office, so I can hang organizational products on the wall and decorate the way I want. The only thing is ...
I'm not decor savvy enough to tie it all in together and make it look 'right' :-) That just is not one of my strong suits.
Well when I say my own ... I really share it with my son. This is where he does his home school work while I'm at the day job, and where he watches Hulu and his pod casts from Rooster Teeth, I love these guys! they are so funny!! So my keyboard and mouse get changed everyday. He's a lefty, I'm a righty LOL.
I need to get that kid his own desk top.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Fun Drink Friday - Gevalia Kaffe
So I had a coupon and it was on sale and I decided to try it out.
My son's unloading the grocery bags and says, "Isn't this the coffee with that blonde guy in the commercial."
I answered. "Yeah, it was on sale and I had a coupon, so I figured I'd give it a try."
He shrugs his shoulders and continues to unload the bags.
He's funny. He's tried coffee, and has no liking for it. He tells me, he'll stick to his tea (Earl Grey is the fav).
I have to say I do like this coffee! It's smooth and has strength to it, but it's NOT bitter. I like that!! AND, AND, it's 100% Arabic coffee!! Another big hit with me!!
Thank you blonde Gevalia Kaffee guy from the commercial, you're right, it's not just another cup of Joe 

Sunday, February 16, 2014
What to blog about...
I have no idea.
no, really, no idea as I sit here in front of the computer staring at the screen. Usually I have something ready to go, but not today.

It was a very busy week at the day job and that being said after dinner and the kitchen was cleaned, I went straight to bed.
And now as I sit here writing this, Blogger is giving me an issue with its automatic save mode, a box keeps popping up saying it can't complete my request. Sooooo let's see if this even posts.
Other than that, it's going to be a writing day. I've had this Sci-Fi rumbling around in my brain for the last few days. Let's see how it looks on paper. 

Hope everyone has a sexy and satisfying Sunday!!
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Florida cold and The Winter Olympics 2014
I know the weather up North’s been frightful and no where has been delightful during this winter season, or at least that’s what the news is saying.
Some of my friends in New England are crossing their fingers for Spring or at least snow on a day off so they don’t have to leave an hour earlier to get to work.
I want to wrap my hands around weathers neck and shake, like Homer does to Bart and say. “Make up your damn mind all ready!”
We’ve even had more than several nights of hard freezes. You know 22 degrees at 11 PM and it has no where to go but down and they don’t call it off until 9 the next morning. I keep asking myself. “Am I in Massachusetts again?” Oh wait – NOT.
(Sarcasm) Yes, welcome to Florida . Hi there, how ya doing. Oranges are lovely, grapefruits, Mmmmm. Warm, hmmmm not right now, It’s not sunshine and smiles all the time.
I took a picture on my way to work one morning with the frost on the grass along the roadside, not sure how well you’ll be able to tell, but it’s white and not green. LOL.
The good news is we finally received a bunch of rain in area. YES, thank you!! Although driving in it yesterday was a pain in the butt!!
So I say to my friends up North – take your cold weather back. LOL, I really don’t want to pull out my cold weather gear.
And how about those Winter Olympics going on in Sochi!! I was at my grandmother's house yesterday and we started watching them. The Men's Snow Boarding came on, can I say Holy Crap Guys!!
You guys are awesome!! GO USA!!!!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Fun Drink Friday - Starbucks French Roast Dark
We received a coffee maker for Christmas that also has the ability to do single cup and K Cups ... pretty cool, and with our coffee maker we were given all kinds of yummy K Cups to try.
This mornings choice of Java ... The Starbucks French Roast Dark ... Why ... because it's going to be a long day and it's needed :-)
I'm not usually a Starbucks 'drinker' due to I like a more mellow cup of coffee. Ya Ya I know, I hear it from my friends, if i'm going to drink coffee drink the real stuff, blah, blah, blah...
I do like strong coffee's sometimes being of Finnish decent and having lived in Germany for a short time. Yep they like it strong. LOL.
So here's my Fun Drink Friday to all you coffee drinkers.
Starbucks French Dark Roast, go try a cup :-)
Sunday, February 2, 2014
What’s seductive to you.
What does your lover, or what do you do to seduce your lover into the moooood?
Is it blowing lightly on one certain spot (neck, belly, toe)…
Is it whispers of what’s to come…
Is it one look, a smile, a lifting of an eyebrow…
Or is it, hey babe, let’s get it on?
People are so diverse, that it’s different for everyone.
I just decided that while I love to write the Erotic Romance, and have my hero and heroine 'jump' ;-) each other, I think I need to put a little more seduction into the story. Get the warm blood rolling to hot, the breathing a little faster, the body language changing to sexy.*Giggles*
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