It's not writer's block -- It's no writing energy. The worst thing I could be going through! It's not that I don't have plenty of ideas swirling around my brain, but to sit at my desk and put them down, well ... *sigh*
There's this little thing called B12 & D Deficiency that I'm going through and the suckers are so low, I have to give myself weekly shots and take the pills.
Good Grief Charlie Brown!!
Well the little suckers are messing with my energy levels, thought process, memory and sleep patterns, it's highly frustrating when your in the middle of something and -- BOOM -- GONE. Grrrr Arrrggg!!

It takes all my energy to come home from work and make dinner, then I end up falling asleep on the couch and being woken up by my husband or son, saying ' hey, go to bed.' I do and then I'm wide awake two hours later

Thank goodness for those two! The left over's get put away and the dishes have been rinsed and put in the dishwasher.
So I'm hoping this will pass quickly, and I'll start feeling like myself again. It frustrates the crap out of me when I want to write, but can't dredge up the energy to get there. But from what I've read it takes a little bit for the levels to even out. *sigh*
Well, I guess I'll just have to -- eat a lot at Thanksgiving!

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