Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year Goals -- RWA...

I hope everyone had a safe and happy ringing in of the new year this past week!

Although I was a little under the weather, I had a great time with my family!  

In the last four days since the new year started I've already accomplished two of my goals I've set for myself.

1)  Application submitted to become a member of RWA (Romance Writers of America) ...again :-)
I was a member in 2006 - 2008 I believe, and now that I found a great chapter in my old stomping grounds, I'm all geared up :-)

2)  Obtain a treadmill and start walking three times a day.
So far I've been on it twice a day ... Hey it's not easy after not being on one for two years, even though I walk everyday at my day job :-/ huh.
LOL, oh well It's all good


Unknown said...

Glad you enjoyed the New Year and cheers to you on ALL your goals !

Author C. A. Salo said...

Aww thank you!!!!