Sunday, April 18, 2021

MELLA Cover Release


Releasing May 14th, 2021

Awoken by her ship being fired upon, Commander Mella Seiren’s distaste upon seeing one of her father’s Battle Cruisers, is justified. She’s in no mood for Mydian politics and threatens to shoot her way free, until she’s informed her brother’s been kidnapped, and comes face-to-face with the one male who has never left her thoughts.

Admiral Rymus Toa is on his last days of an emissary mission between allies and is sent to bring home a banned Princess. The mission no one wanted turns out to be the best one he could have been sent on when he discovers Mella, is the banned High Princess of Myd. He hasn’t seen Mella in a few years, never knew anything beyond her first name, and has yearned for her ever since.

As Mella and Rymus are thrust into working together to find her brother, they also find themselves as mates. With an enemy so close, Mella’s heart is betrayed to the fullest when she finds out, her father is in on the kidnapping and a dark truth emerges. 

They are Retrievers. If something is stolen, they are hired to get it back.

They go in unseen and unnoticed, however getting out without being shot at, is another story. They are one of the best teams in the Federation and are paid handsomely for their services.

They are family.

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