Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catching up with old friends...

Wow, 20 years later, and I'm connecting with the people I went through school with. I'm talking elementary through high school.

It's weird to say the least. How we've all grown and changed.

Working in fields some of us never would have thought.

I can't tell you how many have said "Published Author, WOW, never saw that in you."

And then there are thoese that say "You were always so creative."

I guess it just goes to show that we really don't know what lies in peoples hearts as well as we think we do.

Teenage years are hard enough, so yeah, I can see us hiding the things that really make us happy. For me it was writing.
Although I know now only one person really knew that about me.

What's that old saying..."Don't judge a book by it's cover."

I'm glad we're all healthy and happy with our lives and families!! And can't wait for a reunion if we decide to toss one together!!

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