Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tropical Storm Issac

So Issac is still threatening my area of Tampa Bay with a Tropical Storm Warning.

Oh Issac how thoughtful of you!  (That's sarcasm at its best lol)
Some schools have already called off for tomorrow while the majority are waiting until tonight and tomorrow to see what happens. I home school so it doesn't really affect me :-)

Preparations at my house have been made and what's left on the check list will be completed today. You know...
Water... Check
Flash Lights....Check
Batteries... Check
and the rest of the check list... Check and getting Checked.

I went grocery shopping yesterday, my normal every Saturday routine and was surprised to see that the store wasn't littered with shoppers only in there to get supplies like water (plenty left on the shelves), batteries, canned goods and more. They did have more staff working which was fine with me, because anyone who grocery shops on a Saturday knows it's a busy time, so the lines were short and people were kept moving quiet nicely. Thank you Publix :-) I always love shopping with you!!

To everyone in Issac's path, I wish you safe!

Don't forget I have my Mercenaries of Neris MEGA BOOK releasing with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid in September!!
My new paranormal series Other Kin - Book 1 The Werewolf's Mate - Releasing in October with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid!!

I'm working on book 2 and my Wedding dress has been found and ordered :-D YAY!! It's turning out to be a fantastic year for me!!!!

I hope everyone stays safe, and happy reading!!!!


Picture of Tropical Storm Issac retrieved from Bay News 9

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