Saturday, November 29, 2008

Playing Catch Up

I just hate not feeling well. November has been a tough month around here with this cold that just will NOT go away, and the loss of our little loved one.
And we all know how well things get done around the house when the major cleaner is down and out.
Not one heck of a lot!!
So I'm playing catch up. Not only on my cleaning, cooking, laundry, everyday house hold chores, but on my editing, writing, and the day jobs paperwork. BLAH!

CALGON - TAKE ME AWAY, hahahahaha

I hope everyone had a great turkey day. We celebrated two days of eating, visiting and being happy. One with the honey's family, and one with my own.

I didn't go out shopping yesterday. Nope not that crazy!! Instead I surfed the internet and bought a few things in my pj's, Hehehehe, see how I am.

Have a great day everyone!!

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